Thank you for the post! Having more concrete details helps me to understand how this can work. I don't think I'm still quite ready to jump in the pool, but hopefully I can start dipping my toes in.

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Thank you for the great very useful post, David! I see that especially in the second format you rely quite a bit on homework. But what about ChatGPT? I think because of that homework’s stopped being reliable if they contribute to a grade. Many sources say that cheating is massive. What do you think and how you go about it?

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Hi Nelly, the second format is mostly upper-level / 400-level classes. They are small, I know all of the students individually, and I have lots of established relationships. I also ask students specifically not to use LLMs and give some concrete reasons for that request. For those reasons I don't see any evidence of LLM use. In general I've found that having established relationships with students is the biggest thing that helps avoid those issues. I wouldn't do the same thing in an introductory class, however.

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