The ironic thing about these myths against ungrading is that they might be more pronounced in traditional grading:

(1) it is much easier for the instructor to care less about a student's "rightness" if they just assign a number

(2) students often don't do the work in traditional classes

(3) I just heard a colleague complain about a student who said "Well, I showed up to class; I should be passing." Students are always evaluating what they deserve; with traditional grading it's often evaluating whether they "avoided the stick" rather than what material they learned

It is interesting how humans typically assume that common practice is the gold standard, and it must be disproved in order to necessitate change. Maybe we need more of a discussion on the ineffectiveness of traditional grading?

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Thanks, Cody. I wish I'd put these points into the post!

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Great points Cody. To make non-traditional grading more compelling I think we should definitely be highlighting its shortcomings -- and pointing out that traditional grading offends in exactly the way that the myths say ungrading etc. offend, but worse, is a pretty strong highlight.

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Excellent myth-busting. I especially like "I think that the process of crafting careful feedback, rather than attempting to decide on a grade, especially helps me to better remember my students’ progress and growth."

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