As Robert posted next week, we’re quickly reaching the end of our semester. So we are taking a break this week. New posts will come back next week, when Robert takes a look at how news outlets can address ungrading better than they have.
We’d also like to hear from you: What questions do you have about navigating the end of the semester with alternative grading? Or, what ways have you found to help students finish strong when using alternative grading?
If you have a question or a thought along these lines, please post a comment below this post, and feel free to respond to others’ questions and suggestions too. I’ll be watching and responding throughout the week.
Finally, if you’d like some inspiration as you near the end of your own semester (or quarter, term, …), here are a few of our past posts you might be interested in:
It’s almost final exam time: Things to watch out for as the semester ends in an alternatively graded class, and ways to handle the associated changes.
Hacking your final exam for alternative grading: How to use final exams in an alternative grading setting, and ways to bring alternative grading into the final even when using otherwise traditional grading.
Partial grades for growth: How to use plus, minus, or half grades in an alternative grading system.
Is anyone aware of the existence of an ungrading microcredential? My college is exploring creation of one.