I really like the idea of 1 token for advance permission to turn something in late and 3 tokens for turning something in late without prior permission. I tried the former without the latter this semester for the first time and students just ignored it. They're turning things in late without permission and technically that means they should fail the course (since on-time submission is part of the specifications for every assignment). But I can't make myself fail someone for turning in a small assignment late. I should have thought of this in advance, but I had assumed the system would work and they just wouldn't turn stuff in late... It may be, as you suggest, a fundamental lack of understanding of tokens.

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Or, just not being 100% clear on what the expectations are. It happens. It's a good excuse for a conversation about it, if nothing else.

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Andrea, It's one of the downsides of the LMS, right? I mean, if we turn off late submissions, then they can't automatically take advantage of the tokens - without us taking the extra step to turn submissions back on for them. If we leave the system open to late submissions then they have the chance to just submit late work and with penalties being managed manually.

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